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  • billsheehan1

Random thoughts, quotes, misc. 6

Updated: Jun 15

MUSHIN - a Japanese word meaning "no mind," which translates to emptying your mind to allow your body to relax in times of stress, then react automatically, letting go of conscience control.

Action is always faster than reaction. I learned this during my martial arts training as a student and taught it when I was an instructor.

"Faith means not wanting to know the truth." Nietzsche (nee-chee)

"If religious instruction (indoctrination) were not allowed until the child had attained the age-of-reason (my note: usually considered to be about seven years old) we would be living in a quite different world." Christopher Hitchens.

Have you ever noticed that if you give a pet dog food, water, shelter, and affection that he will think that you are God? But do the same for a cat and he will think that he is God.

When I die, I hope it isn't from being bored to death.

I like to write, but the paperwork is tedious. (ha ha)

When I was first married, I placed my wife on a pedestal, sometimes under the pedestal. For clarity, during my active sex life, I was the pedestal (open to your interpretation).

I sometimes gaze at my world and wonder why I am often confused and frustrated. It's like being

"two with nature."

One day during a karate class, I was changing clothes, putting on my karate gi (gee). I had the uniform wrapped up to fit better in my gym bag. I unraveled it and my wife's panties flew out

onto the floor. Holy shit! The laughter and teasing went on for a week.

I passed a pedicure salon when I was shopping with my wife. a crazy thought hit me. I asked myself

Is a pedicure a process that cures pedophiles?

Gay priests have remarkable hindsight.

Would I die for my beliefs? Hell no! I may be wrong.

I knew a Navy officer (Lt. Pagono)whose ass was so tight from nervousness, stress, and anxiety, that

when he farted, only dogs could hear it.

Seriously. I have to be careful using my martial arts skills because they are a hammer and some assholes, to me. looks like nails.

I once saved the life of a neighbor woman who got accidentally pulled under her rolling car. It was, and still is, a wonderful feeling.

I visited the famous Wall of Vietnam's dead soldiers. It was nighttime and raining. the black wall was slick and shiny and light from an overhead lamp reflected brilliantly off it. I slipped and leaned against the slick wall. I felt the rough etching. I looked and saw the name Charles Sheehan. Spooky.

Hemerroids? The name hemerroids doesn't give a clue to where they are, so I propose a name change.

Let's change the name 'hemerroids' to 'assteroids.' Now we have a solid clue to where those bastards


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