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Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your actions.
Watch your actions, they become your habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes who you are, and how others see you.
Failure used to crush me, but late in life I finally realized that most of my failures became fertilizer for my future successes.
Why do men have nipples?
Old age is an intense insult both mentally and physically. It attacks one's attitude, integrity, self-
esteem, strength, etc. and the older you get, the worse they all get.
I don't know what I don't know simply because I don't know it. I do know that I don't know a lot.
I cancelled my newspaper. If I don't read it, I am uninformed, but if I do read it I'm too often
When all is said and done, unfortunately, I've said much more than I've done.

Can God make a boulder that s(he) can’t lift?
          If YES, he can do it, then he is not all-powerful.
          If NO, he can’t do it, then God is not all-powerful.
          Is an all-powerful God a man-made characteristic, not a divine
          characteristic? So, is God man-make, too?  Weird paradox.
Why is it that ‘when the end justifies the means,’ those ‘means’ are often mean?
Don’t confuse words with actions. Don’t confuse actions with progress.
Why is it always a haunted house? More people die in hospitals than in houses, so why not haunted hospitals? Haunted out-houses? Haunted sports stadiums? Haunted toilets? Etc. Haunted houses have gotten so boring, tedious.
What am I most proud of in my life? It’s being the best father and grandfather to my daughter and grandkids.
Enjoy life’s ride before it stops to let you off.
Is love an accepted form of madness where emotions defeat reason, where obsession controls thinking, and the resulting actions, and where orgasms seal the deal to accept the madness?
Isn’t it so much better to be disliked for whom you really are, than being liked by faking who you are not?

Falling down, failure, may be an accident, but staying down is a choice. I, as a youth, was destined for failure and mediocrity due to inherited genes. I was lucky. I was very aware that making the right choices, and the right sacrifices, would become my road to success.

I used to see rocks in the road as obstacles to my goals. Rocks that prevented progress and travel towards my goals. But I began seeing those rocks as stepping stones, like those  I used to cross a creek without getting wet. 

Something sarcastic was said to you, followed by, "Just kidding." They weren't just kidding. There is hostility there.

"I don't care," is a sure sign of "caring."
Everyone lies. Total honesty is not a human characteristic. "I don't lie," is bullshit.
There are thousands of comedy clubs across our nation. They are known by another name, "churches."

Stop saying that something is "unthinkable" when you are obviously thinking about it. Same with "unknowable." If it's unknowable, then how can you possibly know about it? God? Same with "unspeakable, unthinkable," etc.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then your God is not all-powerful.
Is your God able, but not willing? Then He is bad.
Is your God both able and willing? Then where does "evil" come from?
Is your God neither able nor willing? Then why call it God?
I don't know the things I don't know because I simply don't know them.
Don't mistake actions for progress.

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