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Random thoughts, Quotes, and misc. 5

In the military, I learned that size and strength only matter in a fair fight. Your winning

percentage is much greater when you avoid fair fights, if possible.

In Vietnam, "fragging" was when enlisted men killed their superior-ranked officers for being


I've known many military officers who were an "asset" to their troops. Oops! There are two,

too many letters in that word.

Why the hell is the Bible called the "Good Book?" The people who say that must not have read the

original Old Testament which is full of a God who is a bloody tyrant, where rape, misogyny, incest, murder, slavery, and butchery, are permitted and painted in the blooded in a bloody pool or rage, with no drain. So, it is easy to understand why King James had scholars alter God's vicious madness and make the Bible's version much more palatable.

Have you ever noticed that war, like prison, creates men who are worse than they were before they

entered a war or have been in prison?

I never understood why any rational person would say, "Anything is possible." Ok, then change a

chicken to a full-grown elephant. Change a hot air balloon into an eagle. "Anything" is NOT possible.

I have learned that Hong Kong got its name from Chinese fishermen who passed all the temples near the harbor and would smell the fragrant incense and sandalwood smoke coming from those temples. They began calling the island Heung Gong = fragrant harbor.

Is love like money? You can never get too much of it.

If someone is just shy of being an asshole, then they are the next thing to it: a hemorrhoid

At first, I didn't understand my wife, so I bit her ass to get to the bottom of things I misunderstood.

Lying is universal. Everyone who can communicate, from the baby's first words to a person's dying, declaration has lied throughout their whole lives. It's a human characteristic. Call me a liar. Yes, I am.

So is everyone else. Even if you only lied a couple of times, you are still a liar (a person who tells lies).

I think most people's minds (me too) have a special place for a haunted house, where ghosts of the past

roam the rooms, reminding you of regrettable actions and words. Some people, however, have attics and cellars where horrible memories and actions are stored, as well as thoughts of future horrible deeds waiting to become active.

Quote: "I have always thought there might be a lot of cash in starting a religion." George Orwell

Little known fact. The Catholic church is the richest institution (business) on earth and pays no taxes. They could wipe-out poverty in less than a decade.

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." The second witch in Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Act 4, scene 1. Something wicked is always coming your way.

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