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  • billsheehan1


Updated: Jun 1

The saint associated with 'education' is Thomas Aquinas.

Our government wants more and more of our money. It seems as if they eat like elephants and shit like mice.

A magician says to the fisherman, pick a cod, any cod.

I read an article in a magazine claiming that personal smells were one of the major reasons for the break-up of marriages. We use so much deodorant before marriage

that it's only after marriage that we get to smell our undeodorized selves.

I've seen many young people whose aim is to plan a good life, then never pull the trigger.

I swear, sometimes I need to carry my dumbrella to protect me from the silly, stupid, stormy day people.

Female tits are proof that men can focus on two things at once.

It's not that I'm highly intelligent. I just don't accept nonsense as readily as others do. I can't imagine spending my life worshipping false beliefs.

I wonder why some people don't realize that 'happiness' isn't handed to you; it's a consequence of all the actions.

Everyone is like the moon. We all have a 'dark side.' Some are much darker than others.

I once had a dream that God visited me in a dream and told me that he was an atheist.

"It's difficult to free fools from the chains they revere as sacred." VOLTAIRE

Hysterical - hysteria - comes from the Greek 'hystenicos, meaning 'uterus.' Hysteria (exaggerated, uncontrolled emotions) was once considered to be a purely female ailment. It still survives in the words: hysterectomy, hysteroscopy.

Why is toilet paper not the color brown? It's a much better camouflage than the color white. You need to know how clean you are getting yourself and brown toilet paper

would make the view a little better.

People usually choose their way to die when they choose how to live.

Think outside the box (conformity). Traditional thinking is often simply inertia that's sugar-coated

with thoughtless conformity. We all like to take the easy way, not the best way. Isaac Newton dropped

out of school as a young teenager because his mother wanted him to be a successful farmer.

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