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  • billsheehan1


Updated: Jun 1

How can anyone solve a problem by the process of elimination?

I seldom solve anything when sitting on my toilet.

Lawyers wear expensive 'lawsuits.'

Opinions are strongly held beliefs, not facts.

Opinions are in limbo, between knowledge and ignorance. PLATO

Fathers are all 'mother fuckers.'

Sometimes meeting a new person, you immediately dislike them.

It's like having a "Close Encounter' of the turd kind.

Old age compresses our past events and dims the light in our future.

No one is born to be anything. Everyone is born to become something.

"Give me a boy until he is seven and I'll give you the man." (The power of persistent indoctrination.) A Jesuit Maxim

Every mind conceals a 'haunted house' where ghosts of the past roam, and ghosts

of the future wait to be born.

The word 'sinister' is derived from the Latin word meaning, 'left-handed.'

When skating on thin ice, 'speed' is your savior.

I thought I was in love. I wanted to be her co-star, but ended up being her 'coaster.'

You can't unring a bell.

Mistakes are inevitable. Even monkeys fall from trees.

Life is an extremely slow way to die.

You did not choose your religion. Your parents, culture, traditions, and desires chose

your religion for you. If you were born in Iran, you would not be a Christian. If you were raised

in Israel, you would be a different kind of Christian. Your religion comes from being indoctrinated

in your youth when you could not resist or question. You had no free choice, no free will. Jesuit Maxim: give me your child until the age of seven (because that's the "Age of Reason) and I'll give you the man." So that man will be catholic, by indoctrination. That doesn't mean that your religion

is wrong, but it does, certainly, sit on an unsound foundation for something that will control your foundation of belief throughout your life.

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