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  • billsheehan1

WHEN (poem, 8-16-78)

When you command both love and hate,

And have in mind when each is due,

Yet not let hate consume your love,

Then friend and foe shall know you true.

When you are proud to stand with friends,

But speak the truths you clearly see,

And not command nor obey them,

Your friends shall place no chains on thee.

When you reject the well-worn path,

And like the maverick choose to stray,

Yet not expect your path be used,

Be proud you sought a better way.

When you become your life’s sculptor,

And not a lump of clay for others to mold,

But be aware to mend your flaws,

Then in your hands your life you hold.

When you can see your work destroyed,

By dolt or rogue with lying eyes,

Yet build again with head held high,

Then you shall, like the Phoenix rise.

When you see the abyss of doom,

But won’t forsake your precious goal,

And strive instead until you win,

You’ll be the master of your soul.

When you can find for you the truth,

Despite false creeds that do abound,

And not pay heed to dogmas false,

Your judgments shall for you be sound.

When reason lights the paths you walk,

Where knowledge, not fools’ tales prevail,

Though you may have to walk alone,

You’ve found the only worthy trail.

When your concept of “self” is strong

Enough to chase your risky dream,

Though those so close confess much doubt,

You’ll be more than what you seem.

When you can with conviction feel,

Your self-respect and honest pride,

And know that you have earned them both,

In you shall happiness reside.

When you can with conviction say

That you were no one’s knave,

Nor crucified the truth to please,

Your destiny will be your slave.

When you can with conviction see

Within these lines your dross or gold,

And to your proud ideals be true,

Your happiness exists for you to hold.

NOTE: Written while thinking about Rudyard

Kipling’s poem, “IF.”

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