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  • billsheehan1


Out of the wilderness of his mind it came,

Out of the savage jungle, into the exposed plain,

An idea with a sharp feeling, but a vague name,

Yet with understanding it came.

So long in the wilderness, untame,

No purpose but anger its aim.

Mental scars, each link in his chain,

Entering the bright plain in pain,

Looking desperately for someone to blame,

Playing his role in life’s cruel game.

Banished to the wilderness by bullies and dames

Even though that idea seemed lame.

Then a search for peace came with minor fame,

A grand twist of fate to lessen his pain.

Now a new purpose, a new aim.

Now the hermit savage is tame.

Sunshine in the plain melts icy shame.

No longer a need for crutch or cane.

Scars heal, links break in his chain.

New goals and skills to obtain.

Because that lone savage is tame,

Now show others how to beat shame,

How to banish the savages in their game:

Don’t linger on youth’s growing pain.

Don’t focus on who to blame.

Realize it was an illusion of shame.

The job now? Make your private monsters tame.

Then years later smile at the pains,

That have vanished like your youth and its furtive game

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