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  • billsheehan1

Ghost Soldier (Poem, 2016)

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Ghosts noisily roam

In my mental zone.

Ghosts of those slayed

For wrongs they played

In a time long gone

In a war long done

Where soldiers cried

As enemies and friends died

Then survivors live life

Memories slice like a knife

Cutting through brains

With barely concealed pains

To kill or be killed

With hearts so chilled.

No thoughts were nice

While hearts became ice

And I walk past the dead

Slaughtered with my lead.

Lives taken; oaths crossed

Emotions frigid as frost

Then come home, yet be lost

As a nation wonders at the cost.

Never killed a baby,

Though others might have, maybe.

In an airport I sit

Alert to avoid spit.

My feral eyes staring bright

At protestors in sight.

Not a war, formal,

The terrain not normal.

Then back home with Purple Heart

It feels like a poisoned dart.

Be calm they say

Yet feel terror each day.

Then die during peace

Because guilt will not cease.

To constantly feel the chill,

Of knowing it is easy to kill,

Then hide all those tears

Behind a façade of civilian years,

Yet stay haunted in your mind

By clamoring ghosts so unkind.

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