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           I see now that Death is a friend.

                             It comes to me at my life’s end.

                             I grasp its hand, cold and bony.

                             It lives a life so very lonely,

                             Therefore, he asked me to be his friend,

                             To accompany him around the bend.

                             Is it really my enemy?

                             It says that I’m decision free,

                             But red-hot coals for eyes I see.

                             Perhaps portrayed wrongly by History?

                             The black hood and robe, biased thought?

                             Now I ponder, have I been caught?

                             I squeeze its hand. The stronger was me,

                             However, I did offer my hand freely.

                             I want to leave with him, but make it fast,

                             Knowing my death will forever last

                             I say good-bye to a good life,

                             Mostly thankful to my wife,

                             And to a daughter so very sweet.

                             It was damn hard to say good-bye,

                             But you’ll feel me smiling from the night sky.

                             My love for you both will never end.

                             From the Northern Star a whisper I’ll send.

                             Nothing mysterious or clever,

                             Just the words, “Love always and forever”.


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