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  • billsheehan1

CALL OF THE SEA (poem 6-25-78)

In days of yore, close to the shore,

A comely, green-eyed maiden did await,

With anxious smile that could beguile,

The gods and goddesses of fate.

She wore a frown below her crown

Of daisies from the field,

But in a while she would smile

With lips so softly sealed.

Waiting long with hope so strong,

Her eyes searched far out to sea,

When sudden fears became tears,

At some sad memory.

Misty air brushed through auburn hair,

Leaving crystal pearls on tresses.

She stood there staring, then searching,

Remembering his loving caresses.

She hadn’t heard a single word,

Since he had left her side.

So four long years she bore her fears,

And searched the ocean wide.

She stood alone, her emerald eyes shone,

As a tremor of hope curved her lip,

Coloring them as pure-white as love,

When she spied the distant ship.

The ship looked battered and old,

With torn sails that slapped sky-blue,

And some sad story of misplaced glory,

Lay hidden inside the crew.

She searched the deck of the floating wreck,

As she had so many times before.

Her eyes grew wide in search of a clue

That would make her happy once more.

But she saw no sign through the bright sunshine,

That caused her eyes to squint,

Though as she turned, her eyes discerned

That startling and long awaited hint.

Her eyes raised fast, up to the mast,

And there she saw him stand,

Against the sky where seagulls fly,

Waving her red scarf in his hand.

She had waited long, her heart was strong,

Though there were times of doubt.

Those doubts soon died as she happily cried

At the sound of his echoing shout.

Head-on they raced, together embraced,

With red scarf he wiped her tears.

He spoke lowly and very slowly

Intimate words, for only her ears.

They clung to each other and walked slow,

Each leaving their myriad questions mute.

Each gentle kiss brought nurturing bliss,

As their once barren souls bore fruit.

Now he was free from the call of the sea,

So never again would they part.

They both knew this to be true,

Their homes were in each other’s heart

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