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  • billsheehan1


Updated: May 28

Like an onion, layers and layers of lies

Behind many people’s beguiling eyes.

Their face calm, occupied by a false smile.

So easy for them, their deceptive guile,

And when facing a mirror, all they see

Is someone as clever as can be.

Instead, truth, concern and honor are lost.

Politicians, greedy more than most.

“Elect me. I’ll help you.”

Something that is ages old, not new,

Treating you as their own private fool.

Immoral, no guilt and often cruel,

Thousands of greedy Politicians make

A government, like them, not by mistake.

From big man to small man, shit flows downhill.

People sad, mad, depressed to see their evil.

Do not think or use logic, just pass the buck,

But most of all, bend over and take a fuck.

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