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  • billsheehan1


How can you tell if a magician is a psychopath?

                              He makes people disappear but never reappears.



          Just because you happen to be a psychopath doesn’t mean you have to be mean to others and do awful bad things, does it? I’m a psychopath and a splendid person. I’m told all the time that I’m a nice guy, a real straight arrow.

          I looked for the definition of “psychopath.” Psychopaths are:                    


1.    Egocentric

2.    Antisocial (often with criminal tendencies)

3.    Lack guilt, remorse for hurting others

4.    Lack empathy for others.


          Egocentric? Really? Holy shit! We are all “egocentric.” It’s a survival instinct. Better you than me, right? When we’re threatened, are we to be blamed for thinking of ourselves?

          Let’s say that two people can’t escape and are given a choice. One of them must die, and they get to choose who will die. If they don’t choose, they both will die. Most people would think of themselves first, right? and choose the other person to die, right? Of course. With few exceptions, neither one will want to die, so they choose the other person to die. They are both thinking the same thing. They are both in the extreme egocentric mode. Does that mean they are both psychopaths and is it just the survivor that’s a psychopath?

          Every day of our lives revolves around ourselves, primarily. There are exceptions, of course. Oh, no, I’m being so selfish. I should be a good boy and not think of myself. Bullshit! Naturally, we are the center of most of our thoughts while others are naturally in second place. When you think of others, you’re thinking of what they mean to “you.” If you like or dislike someone it’s “you” who is pleased or displeased. Your life is centered around “I, me, my” so are you a psychopath? You’re being egocentric, so you must be a psychopath. To what degree are you a psychopath? Are you a little bit psychopath, or are you a full-blown, hateful serial killer?

          Do you think nature and natural selection, when involving humans, prefer all the dead and “selfless” idiots? The dead don’t get to propagate and pass on their genes, their DNA. Isn’t it the “survival of the fittest?”

          Give me a damn break. Are you going to absolutely, positively, and one hundred percent agree with egocentricity being one of the major traits of a psychopath? If so, then we are all condemned psychopaths?

          You see how psychologists and psychiatrists corrupt that word? These are the faux professionals who put their degrees in slingshots so they can shoot at us with words like analysis, analyze, psychoanalyze, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic, overanalyze, re-analyze. They also have a private joke that tells their hidden desires. It’s the word “therapist,” which is really “the rapist.”

          Do you notice anything in particular about their special language? The words all relate to “anal.” Don’t bend over in front of these pricks. When they whisper “cornhole” in your ear, they’re not asking about the game. They love to play tricks, play anal games. And they have a degree that permits them to do it. Great camouflage, right?

          If you ever need to make an appointment with one of those perverts, make damn sure you have a cork or anal plug in place before you walk into their office and they close the door. Be aware of their shitty jokes, and their crappy questions. It’s all a hoax. You know what they want, right? They can be disgusting when they ask you about your masturbation techniques, the brand of lotion you use, and if your vibrator also works for anal stimulation. Beware. Trust them? No way. They get away with all kinds of shit. (If you’re not laughing by now, you’re hopeless).

          Dickheads, shitheads, and assholes, for certain. And they get paid well for all the bullshit they thrust at you, shove it into you, make you digest it. If only they realized how it comes out, after the digestion process. Maybe they do but have to ignore the final product of digestion. When in a room with them, try to guess what they are thinking. Are they wishing to be the chair or couch cushion you’re sitting on? Be careful when around them. So, watch your ass around these assholes who have fun labeling you a psycho because you believe yourself to be important. It’s so easy for them to brainwash you because you were sent to them for help. It’s like going to a whore for help. It’ll cost you as you get fucked physically and mentally. Who knows you better than yourself? Family? Best friends? Teachers? Certainly not unless they can read your mind. But everyone has cruel secrets, savage thoughts, and barbaric wishes. Mine are hidden securely. They’re behind my pleasant smile, my good-natured humor, and what looks like a pleasant life. Be alert to the “anal” oriented shrinks.

           Also, every time they blink, can you hear the “cha-ching” of what you must pay them? It sounds like the clicking, cha-ching noise you hear in a taxi as the amount you must pay keeps accumulating. That’s music to them.

          Guess what? Egocentric is not selfish, it’s normal. It has gotten a bad name for too many years and needs to be corrected. Join me, my reader. Let’s act in unison, gather, protest, and counter-indoctrinate. We meet on Sundays, in the Catholic church rectory that’s on the corner of Main Street and Adam’s Avenue. See you there at 2:00 p.m. Oh, and all this is secret. I think the setting is ironic. Father Dacey thinks we are having Bible studies, so please bring your Bible with you, any Bible. We don’t discriminate. (Dear reader. If you aren’t laughing by now then you are hopeless or, perhaps, you think I’m being serious or using reverse psychology). Forgot to mention that psychopaths are cunning.




          Antisocial? Well, of course. How can you help it with all the idiots that surround us? Go to any gathering such as church, parties, celebrations, etc., and get sick listening to the insipid banter of the losers. You’ll come across plenty of them unless you only gather around friends and even then, you find them. On your drive home, you’ll be thinking, Holy shit! Sure am glad I don’t have to be around him or her. What cretins they are. I’ll have to keep my distance from them. Right? Oh my God, but that’s antisocial, sinful, behavior. Don’t fall for that bullshit.

          I can’t enjoy solitude. It aids me to think better, work better and solitude relaxes me. Millions of people are like that, but we’re all psychopaths, right? Does a hermit have the right to be a hermit without the antisocial label? Is it OK if someone wants to walk alone? Watch a movie alone?  Can I walk alone in a forest simply to relax with an uninterrupted view and thoughts of nature? Can I enjoy the Super Bowl and the World Series alone where I get to think about the game and hear what’s happening rather than being surrounded by friends and acquaintances who are talking loudly, joking and carelessly walking in front of the TV? So sorry for being an antisocial bad boy.

          Sociopaths have to put up with all the idiots around them because sociopaths are typically charismatic. If they can’t charm you, they can simply walk away from you with an accepting smile. They have to be social to be charismatic, to manipulate those they consider worth their energy. They have their hand wrapped around your ball sack and you won’t even realize it, and if you do, you’re probably enjoying it. Genital squeezes and you’re theirs, agreeing with all they say.

          Sociopaths are the assholes who don’t have the balls for forceful actions. They are cowardly cousins of us psychopaths. They’re pussies and are usually ostracized by us true psychos. The best bet is to stay away from them, even though the balls massage may feel great.




          Lack of remorse? Don’t bullshit me. Get your finger out of my ass. Should I cry when I kill the enemy in a war? Don’t be a stupid fucker. An eighth of the volunteers fighting in Vietnam wanted to feel the thrill of killing someone. War is a fantastic time for psychos who can murder every day and not have to worry about the law. Mutilate the bodies of the enemy? No punishment for that either, so why not? Remorse? Bullshit.

          Do you want a souvenir? No problem. Cut the ears off the guys you kill. Let them dry out like apricots and make a bravado neck chain out of them. Plenty of guys did that. Better yet, decapitate one of the enemies. Then gouge out the eyes. Remove the brain as the Egyptians did with the mummies. Use a long, narrow instrument with barbs at the end. Simply push it up into the sinus cavities and into the brain. The barbs will remove pieces of the brain a chunk at a time. Once this and all the flesh is gone, soak the head in bleach for forty-eight hours. This will remove any tissue that you couldn’t get at, especially brain fragments. Now boil it for a couple of hours. Remove it from the water, let it cool, wipe thoroughly with a clean towel, and let dry. Eureka. There’s your clean, white skull for a souvenir. Remorse? Why? It’s not a time for remorse. You have a license to kill, and nobody cares about the mutilations. It becomes a high-status symbol, just like earrings and necklaces.

          More importantly, how do you stop enjoying the thrill of killing when the war is over? You have been killing for a year, enjoying the thrill and feeling like God, having others admire you for your number of kills. The slaps on the back, all the embellished stories about you, the fame, you’re now legendary in your platoon. Brutality becomes part of your life in Vietnam. Kill or be killed is a serious motto. I kept doing it, and, yes, I have remorse, but not while I was there. Remorse will get you killed by making you hesitate, thinking before shooting, and making you nervous so you miss your target. Next thing you know the guy you missed with your shot just put a bullet in you. Sure, a grand lack of remorse is needed in wars. But coming home, for many, doesn’t stop the feeling. There are plenty of killers who started out killing in a war.

          At home, too, I feel bad for all the dead. I bury them with honor and a prayer, I even put wildflowers on their graves, if I can remember what part of which forest I buried them in. I write it down, including a map so I can revisit them. It’s the PTSD suckers I feel sorry for. Yes, sir, those fools are permanently riddled with remorse. Lack of remorse is akin to forgiveness and it would calm them down. They’ll live their lives soaked in guilt until they drown in it and probably commit suicide.

          Poor bastards. I can’t help but feel remorse for them. I’m sorry that war means kill or be killed, but that’s a fact. Either deal with it successfully or be maimed or die. You have to kill until you are sick of it, or you’ll be among the dead. What an awful feeling for many soldiers and psychos too. We understand. We have sympathy. Someone needs to die, and we kill them. Some of us feel bad about it, and some, like me, don’t.

          Is it okay to kill a burglar? To kill the guy who’s fucking your wife while you’re at war. To kill a pervert priest, or any child molesting, perverted cocksucker? Of course not, but those “anal lovers” I mentioned before will testify against you. That’s not justice, that’s a perversion of justice.




          Lack of empathy[BS1] ? What? That’s bullshit! We understand and share the feelings of others. We feel bad for them, while at the same time that God-like feeling frustrates us and confuses us. How could we feel all that empathy and continue? Is something wrong with God? We are made in his image. OK, then he, she, or it is a killer, too? Damn right, he is. Read the Old Testament and you’ll hate that psychopathic God. Now you tell me, can’t I act like that God? Did King James have the Christian Bible revised to hide the kind of God we are asked to worship? I even feel sorry for him and the revisions that hide the monster that’s in both the Old and New Testament. But let’s face it. Come on. Don’t be fooled by the “faith” bullshit. Faith is simply a strong belief in an opinion that has no proof. Opinions are not trustworthy. Like assholes, everyone has one. I feel remorse for those that this offends. I can imagine the startling, shocking, revulsion of knowing something is false. Something believed for a lifetime, a false gift from their parents. A gift with which they simply can’t part.

          Also, there should be no empathy for being stupid. That doesn’t deserve empathy even though stupid actions can be understood and shared. Feel sorry for someone driving too fast who crashes and dies. It’s a just and deserved consequence. A person like that knows the consequences of driving too fast, driving while intoxicated. Sure, I have empathy, for the family and friends, but not for the dolt that died. Do we lack empathy? Lack of empathy is a human trait. Did I have empathy for that stranger who died? Did I collapse in tears when I saw the newspaper obituary? If it’s one of my family members or friends, that died stupidly, I’ll be at the funeral feeling empathy, but it’ll be for the living, not the doltish dead.

          Why fear death for yourself? I’m ready to die right now. I’m old with no summits to climb. Oblivion doesn’t bother me. I’ve had my shot at a long life. I’m satisfied. Will anyone feel empathy for me? I certainly hope not. Death is a natural, normal end of life. Why fight it when it comes your way? I imagine my death and see the grief. I also hear people making it sound like I was a wonderful husband, father, and friend when I was none of that. For a psycho, I did surprisingly good deeds for them and others. I loved them, but don’t make up any bullshit about how wonderful I was. If you could read my thoughts, you’d run.

          The attempted invasion of peoples’ minds and the knowledge gained is wrong, scary, and must be combated. All those thoughts that are against the law must be camouflaged behind an impenetrable mental wall in your brain and there will be no trespassing. No one gets to see behind that wall. It’s private, and secure against invasion.

          Psychos can have fairly normal lives, you know. There may be a ripple or two along the way, but that happens to everybody. Some let stress at work get to them, others are frustrated finding the best place to bury the body.

          Telling yourself, telling what your private thoughts are, the ones behind that mental wall that everyone has is usually a mistake. Never do it. Being thought of as a psychopath is better than confirming it with confessions. The greatest weakness is condemning yourself, giving the enemy the ammunition to shoot you with. You have my empathy if you are one of those morons. Empathetic, that’s me. Nice family, good job, good friends, socialize when necessary (because, usually, the spouse doesn’t know what you are).

          And take some advice. You come back from war and almost immediately someone will ask, How many of the enemy did you kill? If you have then make a humorous denial, then make light of it. If frustrated, say you may have wounded one guy. People won’t trust you if you respond with too much detail, especially if you respond to the How many did you kill question with: With what? Bullets? Hammer? Poison? Plastic bag? etc. I never hurt anybody. See how good that works. I thought I heard sighs of relief from my readers. Well, no worries. You know me. I’m that nice, kind, friendly person you’ve always known.

          Do you want to know the real downfall of mental explorers? It’s that we are all psychopaths. Really. Without being specific about each one of the four traits of a psychopath, it’s useless. If left as is, then we are all psychopaths. Welcome to the club.

          You are invited to a seafood dinner of pasta, “muscles” (mussels) and red sauce with garlic. An exotic avocado salad accompanies the meal. Bone-apple-tit or Bon Appetit.

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