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  • billsheehan1


  We walked together, side by side, hand in hand, with our shared,


radiant smiles warming us, and our mutual love comforting us.  Sandy,


       Mara and I are walking on soft, mossy ground, like walking barefoot on


a plush brown carpet.  We peered up through the outstretched fingers


and arms of all the towering trees, wearing their glassy green gloves.


It was a verdant, silky forest, abundantly alive, yet so quiet that we


could hear the friction of the sun’s rays brushing passed and reflecting


off the lush leaves that formed the emerald-green canopy hanging


over our heads.


      We listened to a chatty, bushy-tailed gray squirrel and watched


him leap from the arms of one tree to those of another tree.  Our


sparkling eyes met and there was a deep sense of wonder and beauty


in them as our lips curled into wide, warm, and wonderful smiles.


We shared this amazing time and place; the impression of it indelibly


etched in our memories, never to be forgotten, but always prized like


precious gold.


      Casting our enlightened, joyful eyes downward at a fuzzy


movement, we see a hopping, bouncing bunny whose twitching


nose, bright eyes and erect ears seemed to greet us to his


domain in paradise like a friend’s waving, welcoming hands.


            We continued our casual walk through this colorful, comfortable,


natural paradise until we arrived at a sparkling, clear-watered creek,


making its gurgling, churning, and very pleasant noises.  Those


sounds were hypnotic as the water tumbled over and around the


stones and vegetation obstructions that are in its path.  We found


a calm pool, like a mirror, that clearly showed our smiles of love


for each other.  No words were spoken, nor did they need to be.


We hadn’t uttered a single word to each other since we entered


the plush forest, yet we knew what each other was thinking.  Thus


we stepped out of our footwear, abandoned Mother Nature’s


carpeted floor and glided, barefoot into the cool, pure, crystal-clear


water.  The cool, refreshing sensation roamed and curved its way


around our legs much the same way that the water in the creek must


have roamed and curved its way through the entire forest.  The water


had a cleansing, invigorating feeling, carrying dirt and sweat away,


then leaving our feet fresh, energized, and seemingly able to walk


forever without the slightest effort or strain.


      After drying our feet and putting our footwear back on, we traversed


the width of the forest, finding a vast field of scented grasses and wild


flowers of all colors, shapes and sizes.  A gentle, warm breeze


kissed our faces and tousled our hair as we imagined each of


the millions of blades of grass to be close friends waving


to us, and beckoning us to continue this joyous journey towards


the gleaming, snowcapped mountains that could be seen in the


distance.  Our steps avoided both the grass and flowers as each


parted before our feet, making a path so that our steps would not


crush the delicate, undulating and vibrantly alive vegetation.  The


smell of the wild flowers was like exquisite perfume, so sweetly


aromatic and pleasing to our olfactory senses, much like the finest


food would be to our taste buds.


      We enjoyed all this together.  We shared this marvelous


beauty, these splendid sensations, as we approached the


perimeter of the field and started the gradual incline at the base


of those granite, white-tipped peaks.  Those huge monoliths


seemed to be Mother Nature, herself, showing both her superlative


beauty and her unparalleled strength via those massive spires.


The wonderful sensations and the beautiful visions that we were


witnessing were once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and the very best


part of life which very few people get to see.  I felt privileged to see all


this glorious beauty with the ones I love most, my family.  We


proceeded at a leisurely pace, taking in all the beauty and sensations


that surrounded us before we continued this trek to our final




      There was, again, a forest of trees, but more of the evergreen


variety than of the broad leaf type.  But their hue was no less


gorgeous, just a different type of beauty.  So hand-in-hand, with


matching smiles, we approached a place that could not possibly


contain any shred of evil, no ounce of ugliness, no shroud of hate.


It was an innocent, pure place of tranquil beauty, where life


was perfect and no evil could ever lurk in any corner of this


paradise of the human senses.


      It was not our destination to climb the mountain because


it’s beauty could be enjoyed without a mountain climbers


laborious, strenuous effort.  Indeed, the strain would have been


a distraction from the beauty and peacefulness that surrounded


us.  This, after all, was our journey to find beauty, peace, calmness,


contentment and ultimate satisfaction that nothing but paradise


could offer to the human senses and spirit.  It would not be an


exaggeration to say that even famous worshippers of nature, such


as Thoreau and Emerson, have never, ever come close to


witnessing and feeling the beauty of nature as this grand trek




of ours has revealed to us since first entering the charmed forest at




   Now, as late afternoon approaches, we are pulled by some


unknown, mysterious, but gentle force towards a newly built


log cabin.  We stood there surprised and amazed.  How could


this be?  A cabin waiting for us to occupy it at the end of our


glorious, one day long journey?  Looking closer we see that the


white chinking kept the space between the logs water tight,


the windows and doors were perfectly fitted, with the windows


ideally placed to overlook the golden grasses and bountiful


colored wild flowers in the field. This whole experience was


all so beautiful, so wonderful, and such a happy retreat for us.


      The fireplace consisted of flat stones, which must have been


collected from the nearby creek, each stone perfectly fitted and


unusually aesthetic.  And this cabin was stocked with enough food


to last an entire winter.  Firewood was also plentifully stacked high


and neat, and appeared to be thoroughly seasoned.  It was as if


we were expected to arrive and everything was prepared for us.


        I started a fire and soon the whole cabin was warmed


and lighted by the glow of the bright red, orange, and yellow flames.


The two women that I love so dearly prepared the most wonderful,


and delicious meal that we have ever shared.


  Daylight was fading and the shadows of the forest were growing


as dusk approached rapidly, and for the first time that day I felt


tired.  I laid down on one of the beds, which was soft and


comfortable, while both my loves sat by the fire to chat, read by the


firelight, and watch over me.  As I started to doze off to sleep, I


felt the warm hands of Sandy and Mara each taking one of my


hands into theirs.  I felt more peace and happiness than I have


ever felt before.  I could feel their deep love as it rose, like heat,


up my arms and through my entire body.  No one could have


      asked for a more beautiful day, all built within this happy dream.


      And what a wonderful last dream it was; absolutely wonderful. 


      I died peacefully, in my sleep, just as that dream came to its


joyful conclusion.  And I died the happiest husband and father


on earth. Thank you, Sandy and Mara, for faithfully accompanying


me on my final journey to a paradise that could not have existed if


the two of you had not been holding my hand from the beginning


of this glorious and wonderful journey to the very end of it.


  Please remember that, in life, like this day, I also loved the both


of you, with all my heart, from the beginning to the very end.  The


both of you made me so incredibly happy.  Love, Bill….Dad…..

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