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  • billsheehan1


Updated: Jun 1

Arrogance is poison to intelligence.

Try to be hopeful by finding the upside of down.

NIGHTMARE is a word derived from the Old English word, 'Mare' which means

a demon who torments people with horrifying dreams, sometimes causing sleep paralysis.

Can God laugh? Tell a joke? Have you ever read deliberate humor in the Bible?

Did you hear about the pregnant cat? She ate a ball of yarn and gave birth to 3 sets of mittens. Did God whisper that to me?

Why do we call the Antarctic the Antarctic?

Arktos = bear in Greek

Ant = without

So 'Ant Arktos means 'without bears.'

The Antarctic is without bears (no polar bears there)

What did the triangle say to the circle? Knowing you is pointless.

Brave military personnel must live in the shadows, so that you, unknowingly, can enjoy the freedom or the light.

Why do dead people receive more flowers than the living?

Because regret is stronger than gratitude.

If you want to shoot a 'mime,' do you need to use a 'silencer?'

In Latin, 'musclus' means 'little mouse.' The Romans joked that the biceps muscles were like a moving mouse in your arm.

I think a person dies twice. Once when his heart stops and then when his name and memories are all forgotten.

A group of owls is called a parliament.

Saint Patrick was not Irish. He was British and never saw Ireland until he was kidnapped. After

he escaped, he became a priest, then a bishop, and returned to Ireland as a missionary. His success

caused him to become the patron saint of Ireland.

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