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  • billsheehan1

Intimate Friend (Short Story)

Sometimes I wake up with an erection. A normal male reaction to the stimulation of a full bladder. I have not had it happen in years, until this morning when I woke up horny. But after urinating I became flaccid, though I still felt mildly horny.

The previous afternoon, my wife drove to Atlanta, Georgia to speak at the National Education Association (NEA) annual conference. She was asked to speak last year, also, but the conference was in California, so she did not go. She was excited about this year and didn’t want to miss it. I did want to miss it, so I stayed home.

With the Mrs. gone, I invited Jake for breakfast. I prepared our food. We sat at the kitchen table and ate quietly. I enjoyed my coffee. Jake doesn’t like it. He looks at my cup as if it were full of pee mixed with chocolate milk, then sneezes at the smell as if I had just added sewage to the coffee. Snob. More for me, I thought.

Jake and I have been friends for years and we have grown remarkably close. Two white males that love each other.

When my wife’s services are not available, I have Jake. But he can’t make coffee and the coffee I make is an inferior substitute for her coffee. She likes it black, while I like it with vanilla creamer.

While the cat’s away, the mice will play. While my wife is away, I can do whatever I want and don’t have to tell her anything. Naughty boy.

Jake and I made it a lazy day. We did little things on our own, then we napped. He makes noises in his sleep, not snoring, more like quiet, garbled noises that I can’t understand.

Toward evening I sat on the couch with Jake. Being egotistical, the conversation was one-sided, but Jake is normally quiet, but listens attentively. Further into the evening I made popcorn which we shared as we watched TV reruns of THE WALTON’S, that ideal, bucolic family as they went about their daily lives.

I was surprised when Jake sat on my lap. I gently rubbed his back and hairy chest. I could see that his penis was flaccid, and I remembered how I got up in the morning with an erection.

Over many years, Jake has become a great comfort for my loneliness created by my wife’s absences doing volunteer work for the community and for teacher organizations. Occasionally she’s not just wanted for being a member of a committee, but it’s her leadership skills that are sought. She likes it, so I do not complain. But I do miss her even if only for a weekend.

When those absences occur, Jake can be relied on to comfort me with his warmth, and his eyes that adore me. It’s a comforting and intimate feeling to have.

I told Jake that I was ready for bed. We both prepared by doing our own pre-bedtime routines.

When I got to the bedroom, Jake was lying on the king-sized bed, naked. I wear only my boxers to bed.

Foreplay began immediately. We took different positions causing the bed sheets to wrinkle and pull lose. Also, the blanket fell off the foot of the bed. Foreplay was like a wrestling match. My wife would be unaware of any of this, I hoped.

When we had spent ourselves, we had little energy left. We both got drowsy and slept without the blanket, keeping each other warm.

The next morning, I woke up first. After about five minutes Jake woke up. My side was sore, and, in the mirror, I saw that it was because Jake had accidentally scratched me.

My wife hates dirty, stained, or wrinkled sheets. You’d think she was the one who was once in the military the way she talks. She says, “Toss a quarter on the sheet. If it bounces as if the sheet is a trampoline, that’s good. If the quarter falls flat on the sheet, remake the bed sheet tighter.” That’s why I don’t normally make the bed. If she notices the sheet is too loose, I tell her I didn’t have a quarter and watch her half scowl and half smile at me.

She’d be home in the early afternoon. Jake would hear her before I would. He’d bark, wag his tail furiously, try to jump on her. I knew she’d missed Jake and would pay attention to him before me.

That night, when she turned down the sheets, the blanket had white hair on it. My hair is black. She yelled, “I told you not to let Jake sleep with you.”

“Yeah. But I was lonely and decided to disobey. You want to try different positions, wrestle and get spent?”

“Just go to bed. Did you at least change the sheet?”

“Yes, I did. You can ask Jake if you don’t believe me.”

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