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  • billsheehan1

A Shower of Thoughts

While showering one morning and routinely cleansing my body, I realized that my showers have taken much less time as I have gotten older. That epiphany occurred particularly when I scrubbed my genital area. As a youth it sometimes happened that a pleasurable tumescent tingling took place, followed by an erection. This erection took careful study, sometimes a lengthy, hands-on inspection, being that the soap suds were slippery, thus making it more difficult to cleanse that delicate area. This was one reason, the major blissful one, to cause the elongation of a young male’s shower time. A young male can feel his prolonged helplessness concerning the growth of this embarrassing circumstance. Adding more length to a young man’s showers was the difficulty of washing his balls at the same time as his expanded male appendage.

          A male can’t help noticing that his stretching protuberance looked as if he were wearing an old-style New England fisherman’s rain cap. Out of the blue, that thought flashed like lightning in my mind. Inappropriate vocalizations often happen to me, but I usually pay them no mind and forget them quickly. In and out, in and out they go, but they leave no stain as evidence that they have occurred. There is no doubting the huge failure of the rain cap design. It was never intended to be out in the rain, nor was it an impediment to the slippery lather of frothing soap. The rain shower made a fool of that design, though perfect for its actual intended use. However, that subject doesn’t need to be expanded upon.

          Now, as I learned as a young man, this attention to male cleanliness takes extra time and effort to get thoroughly clean. If correctly done, the body’s own internal cleansing mechanism of milky fluid will assure you that it is internally scrubbing the internal plumbing of the penis. Again, a rogue thought. (a sign at a Writers’ Conference: My pen is longer than your pen is.) This is usually an easy and most pleasurable process, much better than a mini bottle brush. Plus, the advantage of the internal cleansing solution is to apply a coating of antibiotic, protective cream.

          But now showering becomes a much lengthier process. This groin area may need the extra attention of cleanliness because it may be viewed and inspected during the coming weekend revelries. And to be extra careful of its state of cleanliness because you may have to submit to an inspection by you partner. A hands-on inspection is routine, but the fickle examiner may be more fastidious in their close and delicate exploration of the turgid part to see if it is acceptable for a sexual activity for which it is intended. Admittedly this is the hard part of the scrutiny due to the possibility of premature results, but, as some people say, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness,” though I’m curious how their God keeps himself/herself clean. Eternal purity, I would guess.

          A teenager may worry that someone in the household has also read the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Many teenagers face similar sexual situations as the protagonist Holden Caufield, who tried to relieve his sex drive via masturbation while in the bathroom, and while other family members wanted to use that bathroom.

          However, this is not my climax. Not intending to prolong this sensitive topic, I shall expand a male youth’s shower time no more than necessary. Ah, he looks at the cock he sees that his time in the shower has become a big problem, and as his eyes view the cock, he hurries to keep the time as short as possible.

          But a young, independent adult has no such worries, and to be sure of both his health and cleanliness he will take frequent showers and be more at ease while using his extra time, especially with his practice of delaying the loss of tumescence and fluids. It should be mentioned and remembered that drinking plenty of water is mandatory to keep hydrated as well as clean.

          This cleansing process keeps teenagers, young adults, and older adults of all ages, some of the cleanest people. Dirt and perspiration cannot build up due to their desire for frequent showers.

          Now in a disappointing comparison, a man of several decades can take a shower in just a few minutes. The body cleaning process, at his age, is completed quickly. Cleanse the butt crack, genitals, and armpits, then quickly wash the remainder and exit the shower. The shower time is over quickly for most male adults at an advanced age. For example, I’m out of the shower in ten minutes or less because my Mr. Shorty is limp and napping on a hair pillow. He can only dream of his lost youthful sexual desires and unbound vigor, as well as speedy recovery intervals.

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